1965 Patty Harper opened her one-room dance studio in Abilene
1980 Due to the huge number of students, Patty moved the dance studio to its present location on North 1st Street in Abilene
1988 Patty Harper retired in 1988, and her student Mary Milstead become studio owner and creative director
1990 Patty Harper Dance Studio extensions studios are opened in Stamford and in Sweetwater
1993 PHDS extension studios are closed to focus on the Abilene studio growth and development as well as the growth of Ms. Mary's family
1993 Mary Milstead joins Abilene Ballet Theater as co-director. ABT, a member of Regional Dance America, performed annual performances of The Nutcracker as well ++++ and ____Regional festivals. This partnership continues for fifteen years.
2001 Patty Harper Dance Studio takes its first dance cruise on the Carnival Cruise Ship "Celebration" in the Dancing On The Seas program
2008 Ms. Mary writes, directs, and choreographs her first production "Once Upon A Christmas Eve", which is performed annually
2011 Ms. Mary writes, directs, and choreographs her second full-length story for stage "Beeatrice", which is performed every four years
2013 Ms. Mary writes, directs, and choreographs her third production "Pearl", which is performed every four years
2013 ## dancers and family members participate on the Dancing on The Seas performance cruise on the Carnival Cruise ship "Triumph"
2014 Patty Harper dancers visit New York CIty for classes at Broadway Dance Company as well as enjoying live shows and special back stage opportunities
2015 The 50th Anniversary of the Patty Harper Dance Studio is marked with studio and marketing renovations
2016 Patty Harper Dance Studio students will perform at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida